creative and imaginative action

or promote, which will be of interest to you!

and a variety of cakes and snacks as well as hot and cold drinks.
Want to Learn ?
You can choose the ideal course that suits your skills and interest from our Workshop page. Some of our Workshops have included:

Men’s Shed: A place of leisure where men come together to work, where members can share the tools and resources to work on their own projects
Open Workshops: These are open to all, offering many of our own activities or, if you prefer, to work on a project of your own.
Home Schooling: Our tutor will be on hand for you to make use of our tools and expertise, introducing you to a range of crafts on offer.
What If: How to fix things that might happen in your home, such as leaking taps, faulty lights and fittings etc. Learning to use tools safely.
Art: How to use a variety of media in order to develop your creative talent. Benefit from expert advice & guidance.
Copperwork: Traditional copper beating and sculpture. Work with this fantastic material to create any number of practical objects and decorative items.
English Long Bows: Make a traditional English longbow over a weekend!
Stained Glass: Work in glass to create beautiful window hangings, boxes or a terrarium.
Woodwork: One of the most rewarding and versatile of crafts. If it’s make of wood the only limitation is your imagination.
Jewellery: Use your creativity to come and make rings, chains, set stones or anything you can imagine!
Wedding Rings: Make each other’s wedding rings! You will be guided through the process where you leave with completely unique wedding rings made by each other.
Latest Workshops
Conversation Cafe
Stained & Fused Glass
Knit and Natter
Men’s Shed Workshop
Blacksmithing Workshop
Kitchen Knife making workshop
Ellis Wells
-Thank you for a really lovely morning. Our young lady really enjoyed her time with you and has learned some new skills.
Latest News

Community facility gets welcome grant support